GRITTY K9 - Tobias Gustavsson, Boki Damis and Shaun Cummings
Professional canine training & consulting
Passion and perseverance toward a goal despite being confronted by significant obstacles and distractions
Some of our clients: Police forces in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Spain, Finland, Netherlands, Germany, Canada, Chile, US, UK.
Look at our courses. We offer both online and onsite courses, long term courses as well as short ones.
Gritty K9 - Canine consulting
Dog training is a dynamic combination of theoretical knowledge, mechanical movements, observational skills and the ability to quickly adjust the plan and make a new decision. Our goal is always to develop all of these parts in the dog teams that we train. The theoretical knowledge is important but the practical part of the training skills takes much longer time to develop. Building up a focused and motivated dog is very much depending on the trainers ability to identify the weak and the strong sides of each dog. And in the end it comes down to the trainers ability to strengthen the weaknesses and continue to reinforce the strong parts and through that build confidence and motivation for the task. In our courses, both on sight and online, we always start with the mechanical skills and emphasize the importance of paying attention to details. This is what we call the foundations of dog training. If the trainers master those foundations they will have a good chance of handling most of the problems they encounter in the future training. We have learned a lot during our life with dogs and we are eager to share all that with our clients.
Tobias, Boki and Shaun

Contact us
- +46 (0) 735284727
- info@grittyk9.com
- tobias@grittyk9.com
- boki@grittyk9.com
- shaun@grittyk9.com